For the new Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, which will also be released outside North America in summer 2021, KW automotive offers the KW Variant 5 coilover suspension.
In the U.S. the 4-way adjustable KW Variant 5 is already launched. Now we also launched the coilover suspension kit for the latest Corvette C8 also in Europe.

Just as car manufacturer Chevrolet departed from its roots with the new C8, we have abandoned commonplace aftermarket design principles with the KW Variant 5.
With the KW Variant 5 coilover suspension, the suspension manufacturer adapted its solid piston damper technology, successful in GT3 motorsport, for the road.

Since the working piston in the damper is not overflowed, completely different damping forces and damper characteristics can be generated. This type of suspension design gives us much more freedom in the overall layout, and even with low spring travel we achieve perfect damping.

KW Variant 5 offers the option of further tuning the driving behavior separately in four parameters low-speed rebound, low-speed compression, high-speed rebound and high-speed compression. The damping of each valve can be adjusted with just 13 clicks, so that the damping can be tailored precisely to the individual driving sensation.

When the rebound stage is opened, driving comfort is enhanced. When the rebound valve is closed, the body’s pitching and rolling movements are significantly reduced.

Handling becomes even more dynamic than in series production. The compression stage enables further influence on steering behavior, grip level and rolling comfort.

Put simply, the task of the rebound stage is to connect the chassis to the road, while the compression stage impacts the compression and supports the body structure.

Within the scope of the parts appraisal, a continuous lowering of up to 25 millimeters is possible with the KW Variant 5 coilover suspension on the Corvette C8 Stingray.
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